United Arab Emirates

Blue Forests

Measuring Carbon Stocks in United Arab Emirates

Start using the tool

The Blue Forests Mapping tool allows you to learn more about the important role of coastal marine ecosystems and their ability to absorb and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

The Blue Forests Mapping tool has been designed as part of GEF Blue Forests Project. The tool is simple to use and provides a rapid overview of the approximate total carbon stock value for a selected area of interest. This information is further broken down to provide information on the contribution of each ecosystem to the total carbon stock of the selected area.

What are blue forests?

'Blue forests' refer to the ability of coastal vegetation to sequester carbon. Blue forests ecosystems, such as mangrove forests, saltmarshes, seagrass beds and cyanobacterial mats, sequester and store atmospheric carbon in biomass and sediments, sometimes at rates higher than tropical rainforests.

When these ecosystems are destroyed, buried carbon can be released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, contributing to climate change.

Blue Forests of the United Arab Emirates

The GEF Blue Forests project provides an opportunity for the United Arab Emirates and the Emirate of Abu Dhabi to improve understanding of ecosystem services and management of blue forest ecosystems in the Arabian Gulf. Regionally, this project serves to demonstrate how to promote nature-based mitigation of carbon emissions, while also preserving other values provided by blue forest ecosystems.

See here for further details.